Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th

Yesterday was a day of firsts for the Fourth. We went to a ball game. A minor league team, the Lancaster Barnstormers were playing the York Revolutions at their local stadium which looks a lot like Dell Diamond. The game was followed by one of the best fireworks displays we have seen. Collin was able to go down on the ballfield with the other kids 12 and younger. He was giddy with excitement. Experiencing the Fourth, hearing the Star-Spangled Banner sung, in the area where the Revolution took place, brought goosebumps to the grown-ups too. I really liked the music selected to synchronize with the pyrotechnics. In addition to the military and patriotic selections that usually accompany the shows, we were also rocking to "Coming to America" by Neil Diamond and James Brown's "Living in America". Hope you all had fun Fourths.


  1. Wow..sounds awesome. And I'll bet it did. Colin, I'm surprised they didn't draft you as a pinch hitter. Neil Young and James Brown... now that's an unlikely pair... kinda like Barbra Streisand and Joan Jett. Keep on keepin on.
