Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Great American History tour

The trip is winding down now. All the planning for the next day and where to spend the next night is over. So, now it's time to look back and think about all the things we saw.

This vacation started with the desire to see Philadelphia. Then, because Collin just studied all this stuff in the 5th grade, and had become so taken with the Ranger programs, it expanded to include as many national historical sites as we could pack into a 6-7 week trip. And did we see 'em. Jim's knowledge of the D.C. area from his business trips enabled us to share the national capital with kids and grandkids. The two boys couldn't wait to see the White House and were able to recognize the major monuments and buildings before we left. The Smithsonian was their favorite haunt and both of them would go back there in a minute.

I would go back to Philly for a longer stay in the city (especially during their flower show.) There was still a lot there that we didn't get to see and I would love to see Longwood Gardens in the spring.

The flowers came in a close second to the monuments and I would subtitle this trip as "Daylilies growing Wild." Those of you who haven't spent your whole life in central Texas are probably chuckling right now, but I had never thought of daylilies in the wild. For me, they had to be cultivated and watered and fertilized and given lots of care. I never thought I'd see them growing alongside roads and ditches. As I do with every trip, I'm coming home with lots of new garden ideas which I'm sure will be dried up by the heat before they ever come to fruition.

My biggest regret is that we didn't have as much time to explore the Chesapeake as I had hoped we would. Lack of time wasn't the only problem. That area also was experiencing record setting cold and rain for mid-summer. Oh, well, just have to plan a return trip with the theme of "how many crabs can Carol eat?"

Anxious now to make plans to see everybody. Hope you have had fun summers too.


  1. Wow, very nice summary. I'm delighted that the lads enjoyed the Smithsonian...very encouraging. Daylilies are pretty drought- tolerant...they just get a bit grungy looking. Cold and wet Summer, eh? Tsk, must be tough. I've seen Carol eat crabs. And crawfish. And shrimp. The word "bottomless" comes to mind...well, maybe another term might be more appropriate. Have fun and drive carefully. We had an inch of rain Monday, so there's not quite so much dead flora. And the temps are only in the chilly upper 90s.

  2. You'll have lots of pictures to scrapbook, I'm sure. Hope you'll be ready for a scrapbooking session on Monday, August 3 - you, Lucy, Lanice, and Isabella. I'll probably just go along for the ride.
